Update May 08, 2024

US elections 2024

All you need to know about the vote
by Silvia Martelli
14 May
May 14 primaries
Update March 29, 2024

Who are the candidates?

The US presidential race was characterized by a wide range of candidates with varied backgrounds and not necessarily from political backgrounds who found themselves competing in the shadow of the same two men who won the nomination in 2020: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

The plurality of would-be leaders, however, was an important reflection of the complexity and diversity of the American political landscape.

While some candidates are already well known in the political world, others have emerged as outsiders, advancing new ideas and perspectives. But competing against Trump's fierce and loyal supporters has not been easy, and most of the Republican challengers have been forced to end their campaigns before voting had even begun.

The last remaining candidates are competing on several fronts, juggling public speeches, meetings with voters and media campaigns, and the ambitious attempt to win popular support and secure their party's nomination.

Donald Trump
dropped out
Doug Burgum
Chris Christie
Ron DeSantis
Larry Elder
Nikki Haley
Will Hurd
Asa Hutchinson
Perry Johnson
Mike Pence
Vivek Ramaswamy
Tim Scott
Francis Suarez
Joe Biden
Jason Palmer
Marianne Williamson
Robert Kennedy
Cornel West
Jill Stein
Donald Trump

Former President Donald J. Trump is seeking reelection to regain the office he lost in 2020, then vigorously contesting the outcome and ultimately goading a group of his followers to storm the United States Capitol.

Despite experiencing a decrease in sway within the Republican Party and being subject to legal scrutiny from state agencies and the Justice Department, Trump still commands a sizable and fiercely loyal following. Moreover, in the 2024 primary, he might benefit from several contenders dividing an insufficiently consolidated anti-Trump electorate.

Donald Trump
Climate change
War in Ukraine
Economic policy
Transgender rights
Few Republicans, if any, have had as significant an impact on abortion rights as Trump: he selected three out of the six Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and the judge who annulled the authorization of the abortion pill mifepristone. He has also privately endorsed a 16-week prohibition.
His actions as president may have caused irreversible damage to the global climate. While in the White House, he rolled back more than 100 environmental regulations, mostly aimed at reducing planet-warming emissions and protecting clean air and water. He has mocked climate science and championed the production of the fossil fuels chiefly responsible for warming the planet.
Trump said the war is not a vital U.S. interest. While he declared that the war “must end”, he also said that “this fight is far more important for Europe than it is for the U.S.”. In 2019 he was impeached for withholding aid to Ukraine to pressure Volodymyr Zelensky to help him electorally. He also suggested that he could have prevented the war by ceding Ukrainian land to Russia.
Trump’s policies strengthened hard-line immigration stances in the G.O.P. mainstream. If re-elected, he intends to gather undocumented immigrants and confine them in camps until deportation; implement a method of expulsion that bypasses due process hearings; and authorize local police officers and National Guard troops from Republican-led states to carry-out immigration raids.
While president, he blended traditional Republican economic principles with populism. He enacted $1.5 trillion in tax cuts in 2017, permanently decreasing corporate taxes from 35 percent to 21 percent and temporarily lowering taxes for individuals, including the wealthiest Americans. The individual tax reductions are set to expire after 2025 unless Congress prolongs them.
While president, he rolled back transgender rights: he barred transgender service members from the military, eliminated protections against discrimination by doctors and insurers, and rescinded rules that allowed transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity. If re-elected again, he has vowed to ban medically endorsed transition care for minors nationwide and order the Justice Department to investigate hospitals that provide transition surgeries, among other things.
Joe Biden

President Biden has positioned himself as a guardian of democracy and a unifying presence following the turbulence of the Trump era.

He is campaigning on his bipartisan achievements, such as significant infrastructure legislation, and his advocacy for Democratic causes, including abortion rights, which face staunch opposition from Republicans. Seeking reelection as the oldest individual to be president, Biden's age has sparked apprehension among numerous Democrats, yet the party has openly embraced him and united in support.

Donald Trump
Climate change
War in Ukraine
Economic policy
Transgender rights
Biden supports the landmark Roe v. Wade decision and women's reproductive rights. He opposes efforts to restrict abortion access and advocates for policies that protect women's health and autonomy. While personally against abortion, Biden respects individual beliefs and emphasizes the importance of upholding constitutional rights and ensuring access to safe and legal abortion services.
Biden views climate change as an urgent threat requiring immediate action. He rejoined the Paris Agreement, set ambitious emissions reduction targets, and prioritized renewable energy investments and green infrastructure. He aims to transition to a clean energy economy while creating jobs and addressing environmental justice concerns.
Biden stands firmly against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, labeling it a violation of international law and Ukraine's sovereignty. He has pledged unwavering support for Ukraine's defense, providing military aid and diplomatic assistance. He advocates for sanctions against Russia to deter further aggression and has rallied international support for Ukraine's cause. He also repeatedly emphasized the importance of upholding democratic principles and ensuring Ukraine's territorial integrity.
Biden's immigration policy focuses on a comprehensive approach to reform, emphasizing pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already in the U.S. He seeks to address root causes of migration from Central America, aiming for humane border management and reversing Trump-era policies like family separations. He also advocates for streamlining the immigration system, enhancing border security through technology and personnel, while promoting fair and just enforcement practices.
Biden's economic policy prioritizes inclusive growth, focusing on infrastructure investments, job creation, and support for workers. He advocates for raising the minimum wage, expanding access to healthcare, and progressive tax reforms to address income inequality. Biden's agenda emphasizes rebuilding the middle class, investing in clean energy, and promoting manufacturing and innovation to bolster the economy.
He has been vocal in his support for transgender rights and has issued executive orders reversing Trump-era policies that marginalized transgender individuals, such as banning them from serving openly in the military. He advocates for access to healthcare, education, and employment for transgenders without discrimination. He has often emphasized inclusivity and dignity for all Americans, regardless of gender identity.
Jason Palmer

Jason Palmer, a relatively little-known entrepreneur with a background in companies such as Microsoft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, tied with President Biden in American Samoa, securing three out of the six delegates from the small island territory, along with 11 more votes than the president.

His campaign focuses on education, healthcare accessibility, climate change, and immigration.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson, a self-help writer and previous spiritual counselor to Oprah Winfrey, is running for the second time: during her unsuccessful 2020 bid, she advocated for establishing a federal Department of Harmony, endorsed reparations for slavery, and characterized Trumpism as a manifestation of an illness within the American psyche that cannot be remedied solely through political measures.

Furthermore, she has promoted contentious or debunked medical hypotheses, particularly regarding mental health conditions.

Donald Trump
Jill Stein

Jill Stein, a physician who ran for president under the Green Party banner in 2012 and in 2016, is seeking the party's nomination for the third time. In her campaign announcement video, she advocated for an "economic bill of rights," encompassing guaranteed employment, healthcare, housing, nourishment, and education. She also emphasized her commitment to addressing climate change and safeguarding abortion and transgender rights.

During the 2016 election, Stein amassed approximately 1.4 million votes, with some Democrats blaming her for pulling support from Hillary Clinton in pivotal states.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, has emerged as a prominent figure in the anti-vaccine movement. Initially seeking the Democratic nomination, he later opted to run as an independent in October. Kennedy has propagated discredited assertions linking childhood vaccines to autism, vehemently opposed coronavirus vaccine mandates, and criticized other pandemic containment measures, drawing comparisons to Nazi Germany for which he subsequently apologized.

Once renowned as an environmental lawyer involved in the Hudson River cleanup, his anti-vaccine stance has strained relations within his tight-knit political family.

Donald Trump
Cornel West

Cornel West is a philosophy professor at Union Theological Seminary. Previously, he taught at prestigious universities, including Yale, Princeton, and Harvard. Renowned for his progressive activism, West has harshly critized former President Barack Obama.

Initially aligned with the People's Party, a third-party entity spearheaded by a former campaign aide to Senator Bernie Sanders, West said he would seek the Green Party's nomination before opting to run as an independent candidate.

Donald Trump
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